Friday 18 May 2018

By Fareh compare and contrast vertebrate and invertebrate

Here is a Venn diagram about invertebrates and vertebrates

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Hiwi the Kiwi By Fareh

Hiwi the kiwi Today I went to the hall with my class and there was a show called hiwi the kiwi. Than we sat down they told us about a story. The story was about a girl wearing a jacket but his dad not wearing a jacket than the girls dad didn’t know that there was a big log in the water. Then the boat hit the wood than the boat flipped into the air. The little girl and his dad fell down in the water then the girl was safe. Because she was wearing a life jacket and the boat was still sailing. his dad couldn't get the life jacket and her dad drowned.Then they told us about that whenever you catch a fish you should put it in a bucket filled with salty ice.Than they said that whenever you catch a fish you should put it in a wet towel and then measure it with a ruler if it is less then 30 centimeters than gently put it back in the water.

Monday 7 May 2018

5 worst excuses

My learning journal

This is my learning journal from term 1.